Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Big Fish - Daniel Wallace

Not the first time I've read the book after seeing the film but the first time it was a cherished film I've seen multiple times. For this reason it was near impossible not to picture the giant as cast by Tim Burton or have Jenny be inextricable from the old lady with the eye. My bias made some aspects of the novel less than they were as it seemed that the film took many of the scenes but reconfigured to make a story that was more linear and cohesive, especially when all brought together in the end in a more satisfactory conclusion. The writing was still as fantastic as the stories and it made the brief chapters easy to breeze through. It will not get the repeated plays that the DVD has but I can see why it would have lit Burton's imagination to make such an epically beautiful film as he did.

August/Sept 2013

Hey Nostradamus! - Douglas Coupland

Not exactly a feel good subject written in the obvious wake of columbine Coupland exhibits his prowess yet again in putting relatable characters into odd situations and pulling it off. A touch of otherworldly and religion covered some interesting ground while the entire story stayed grounded. Mind you the mid novel twist certainly was and set up an odd second last section with desperation meeting voodoo and greed. Maybe not the favourite Coupland it was still a strong piece and a worthwhile, quick read.

August 2013